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Products tagged with 'hierbas'

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Cascara Sagrada Bark 3oz

Cascara Sagrada has been used traditionally by Native Americans for washing the bowel, and one of the best herbs available that may help with occasional constipation.

Cola de Caballo (Horsetail) 2oz

Comfrey leaf, Echinacea, Hydrangea, Lamb's Quarter, Marshmallow, Mullein, Nettle, Oatstraw, Plantain, Red Raspberry leaf and Yellow Dock, depending upon individual needs.

Dandelion Root (Diente de Leon) 3oz

Both Dandelion leaf and root are often formulated with Burdock root, Dandelion root, Milk Thistle seed and Red Clover.

Quina Roja Bark (Cinchona Bark) 3oz

Cinchona bark has traditionally been prepared as teas, tinctures and a wide variety of special traditional tonics.


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